Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Dedicate All MyTravels to Daddy

Everyone comforted me. I found out last night, after I got home, people were wondering why I was crying the whole of Sunday, from the time I collected his body from the hospital. But they did not dare ask me, not for fear, but for invading in my privacy.

Her dad's brothers made the experience pleasent. They hid their sorrow well with their jokes and laughter. They were sadder. Of course they were. And I was previlleged to see their tears where no one had in the moment 5 of us shared in the ritual of bathing Ya'akub.

Every time we met, at least one of them would tell me that they've accepted me into their family. Alhamdulilah! But till today, I feel in need of forgiveness from Ya'akub, for possibly not carrying his last wish to be carried by someone he knows or cares about. Astafrullah... Insya Allah, I will be forgiven.

It has been a painful time on Sunday. My eye infection was cured by my tears from the early morning at his death bed, till the time I buried him. I hate this to be an initiation. I really do. How I wish there was someone who rightfully belonged in my position to take over my place. Insya Allah, I will be forgiven for such thoughts. All I had wanted then was for someone more able to do what I did.

I really hate myself for being there. I know it's no one's fault. I know they needed someone strong enough to carry him. And it was one of the days that I wished I wasn't as physically strong as I was.

I have never loved Ya'akub. I have never thought of him as my own. I only saw that he was my responsibility since I am with Su. And that's probably why I am feeling the way I am feeling now. I pitied him. I was fortunate not to see his fall from grace, when he was a high-flying teacher to an advanced stage Parkinson's patient. I simply saw him as a fragile and vulnerable man who needed all the attention, medically and emotionally one could possibly give.

On the day of his demise, I wanted to pay for everything. It was my way of showing that I accepted him in my life, even though the bond between us was very different, as Su mentioned. I was not family and I was not close. Maybe that's why we got along well. I did not know him well enough to understand his physce. I chose not to listen to what others had to say about him. I did not protect him. I simply told others not to judge. And I tell them again and again. It is not for us to judge. It will come the day when we all would be judge for what we did, and for what we failed to do.

Suraya is my number one priority now. She means so much more to me now that she's without a father. Many may claim that she was without a father from the day of the divorce. I disagree. Even with the onset of Parkinsons, Ya'akub was still her dad. She could go to him anytime she wanted. The poor girl now is left without one. Insya Allah, I will play both role of husband and father well.

I have never grown up with a loving father. I never had the need for one. I think I would make a better father than my own. Seeing Su cry on his deathbed, and seeing her sob in front of his grave, the surge of responsibility to care for her, as though from Ya'akub directing me himself from the grave was powerful.

I remember telling Su late last night on the horn, that I have this feeling that Ya'akub was really at peace. She told me that it is in sickness, that Allah swt takes away all of one's sins. Insya Allah, when Ya'akub passed, he was clear of sins. Insya Allah, he is more comfortable where he is now than when he was alive with Parkinsons. I can sense his peace withh everything and more importably with Allah swt.

I would've liked to have spent quiet and quality time with Su since Sunday. But because of prayers, it was difficult. Now, all I wanna do is to be with her and comfort her and pamper her. Tears are filling my eyes when I read what this little girl said when she first found out her dad had Parkinsion's and she was trying to deal with it and accept it. She said :

"I miss his travelling antics when we were young. My active dad who made me such an avid traveller. I dedicate all my travels to him."

My heart sinks each time I read this, or each time she says things to this effect. How sweet and pure is her. Insya Allah, I will treasure her and love her more and more and more each day.

To everyone who is reading this, my special thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts. On behalf of the family of the late, I thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts. May Allah bless all of you and your familes.

It is just too painful to continue writing. Forgive me.

06 Feb 07'


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